If you do nothing else in this world, please bring joy. Joy from the inside out...
Every morning here I go for a walk at 6 am around the area right outside of the compound. ALMOST every morning I see an older farmer who has grey hair and a very thin, short body worn from working hard his whole life. He swings a machette at his side to cut down his sugar cane. When I see him coming, I seriously get hyped. You see, this man is one of my favorite people in Haiti I've decided.
Every single time when I've seen him, I say a greeting of "Bonjou" or "Bonswa" and nod at him. Every single time I do this, he smiles huge and replies in a loud voice "yeaaaahhh, okaaaaaay"! He keeps swinging his farm tool at his side and keeps on walking. It is honestly the highlight of some of my days here, and it certainly was today! He is just the most joyful man and he makes me feel like exploding from happiness inside. I don't know his story because our interactions (though they've been many!) consistent simply of hello and his infamous "yeaaaah, okaaaay" with huge, toothless grin on his face! But that doesn't change the fact that he can make me laugh out loud every time I see. He brings complete joy to my mornings and days... and I bet he has no idea he does this! Out of all my "blessings" from today, the joy of this man was by far the greatest. I know for sure that his presence in Heaven will also be the greatest. It isn't about the people who have done huge things, but the people who did things with love and joy in their heart.
I once read a true story about a missionary that arrived in a new country and felt a bit out of place. She went to a church where she didn't know any one or any of their language. Yet after the service, an older woman rushed up to her and handed her a pair of hand-knit socks. She gave them to this missionary with a huge smile on her face and true joy in her heart. Later the missionary found out that this woman would take much care in lovingly knitting a pair of socks for each new person who came to that church. She did it out of love for people she had not even met. Out of sheer joy for serving God. It made such a difference in this missionary's heart that, at a later date when asked to write something for a book, she told this exact story. Imagine that! All the years of serving in a foreign country with brilliant minds coming up with brilliant projects doing huge things, but the missionary was most affected by a woman with incredible joy to do the most simple of tasks out of love.
I have realized that if I cannot get the simple task of joyfully doing the small tasks, I'd be all wrong for this job. If I do the most important of tasks here, but can't take a moment to sit down and hold a lonely baby because my heart overfills with love and joy, then it really means nothing. I think about the simple man and the simple woman who can bring incredible life to the world around them just by their smiles... and how much respect I have for them. Honestly, I have much more respect and desire to be around someone who has incredible joy than someone who has incredible "success". Joy is not threatening. Joy doesn't make you feel out of place or unimportant. It is unassuming, but infectious. It draws people in, makes someone's day, and uplifts weary spirits. I think of how excited I am to see a toothless grin open wide and a loud "yeaaaaaaaaah okaaaaaay!" tomorrow and know for sure that joy is priceless for the soul!
If you are going to do anything in this life, try to bring joy to the world around you. While you probably will never know the lasting effect you have on people, they will. You don't have to fake happiness, but watch those that have true joy. They take pleasure in what humble tasks set before them, pride in their work, and a peace in their soul. They appreciate more, complain less. They are mentally present with those in their world at the moment, because people who feel love & pain matter much more than any other task that exists.
Joy and love are far more important in your job than we'll understand on this earth. Be infectious with contentment. Be a source of life and energy. Appreciate everything a little more. By the time all is said and done, you will have probably been watched by a thousand weary lives who were in need of hope that day.
Torry, when I was there this past week I saw the joy you bring to the compound at cotp. Your bright smile and encouraging attitude towards everyone shines the light of Jesus to everyone around. I loved reading this blog and remember walking into the volunteer house when you were writing it :) Keep looking to the source of all joy!